Value Types
Stored on the stack.
Contain a value, not a reference.
Inherit from System.Value
Exists of built-in types, user-defined types and enumerations.
Prefer to use Int32 (int) and Double (double) for counters/floating numbers. These are optimized by the framework/hardware.
Nullable types have .HasValue and .Value properties to determine if they have been set.
Structures are value types as well, user-defined value types.
Enums are stored as value types, and primarily used for code readability.
object.GetType().IsValueType returns true for value types.
Good practice
Always define the value of a value type upon declaration.
Use structures for objects which represent a single combined value, which is smaller then 16 bytes.
Structures should be immutable.
Don't define a default constructor on a structure.
Value types vs Reference types
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Example of value types holding a value instead of a reference.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int a, b;
a = 5; // Store 5 in a
b = a; // Copy the value of a into b, instead of holding a reference
a = 10; // Store 10 in a, will not affect the value of b, since it's been copied.
Console.WriteLine(a); // Will print 10
Console.WriteLine(b); // Will print 5
Nullable Types
Nullable<bool> myBool = null;
Console.WriteLine((myBool.HasValue) ? myBool.Value.ToString() : "not set");
myBool = true;
Console.WriteLine((myBool.HasValue) ? myBool.Value.ToString() : "not set");
struct MyPoint
private int _x;
private int _y;
public int X
get { return this._x; }
public int Y
get { return this._y; }
public MyPoint(int x, int y)
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
enum TestEnum : int
static void Main(string[] args)
TestEnum en = TestEnum.Value1;
Console.WriteLine((int)en + " : " + en);